I can provide your company with the following services.

Mount Fuji

Break Into Japan

Japan is one of the largest mobile gaming markets in the world. Also, it is one of the more difficult markets to succeed in. The biggest mistake made by most companies is trying to break in without having an employee in Japan.
I can help you get started.


Analyze Your Game

Does my mobile game even have a shot at winning in Japan? What are some of the most important metrics you should be looking at? What kind of games sell well in Japan?
I can help you answer that question.


Build Your Community

Building your community is an important part of making your game succeed. From getting YouTubers to cover your game to creating a social media account. I can provide consulting or even help operate/grow these accounts..

Consulting 30 min (5,000 yen)
Consulting 60 min (10,000 yen)